Badami pistachio shape is elongated, and it is famous for its beautiful appearance. The most common characteristic of this semi-long kind of pistachio is its shape, which is shorter than Ahmad Aghaei. The color of this almond shape pistachio is creamy and slightly dull. Another characteristic of Badami pistachio is its light green to yellowish kernel color. This pistachio shell is naturally open and has a sweet and nutty kernel.

Common sizes of almond pistachio start at 26–28 and are available in 26–28 and 28–30. Badami pistachios, such as Akbari and Ahmad Aghaei pistachios, are commercial nuts and are sold in the export market.

In Kerman, Yazd, and Khorasan, Badami pistachio is cultivated. The harvesting time for this pistachio starts in September and continues into October.


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