Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio (Long Pistachio)
Long Pistachio (Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio) is in the Almond shape category of Pistachio which looks beautiful and tastes great!
In the international stores it’s called as Long Pistachio as well. The shell of Long Pistachio is usually whiter than other types of Pistachio and its green peeled kernel is greener than others while the skin of its kernel is more Red. In a word we can say this type is a height contrast Pistachio.
The only different between 3 grade of Long Pistachio is the size!
Largest one is A-Class which is the most expensive one.
Even if the sizes are not the same but there are no differences in the taste, it always tastes wonderful.
Products Specification
Color: The natural color of Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio is different according to cultivation point it can be light yellowish or white
Available Sizes (Pistachios per 1 Oz): 24/26, 26/28, 28/30, 30/32
Common market size: 26/28
Humidity: less than 5%
Shelf life: 24month in Cold and dry places
Harvesting Time: At the end of September
Bulk Packing: 10Kg Cartons, 25Kg/50Kg Jumbo Bags
Retail Packing: 100g to 2 Kg
OEM Packing: Possible